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How is horse milk made?

Horse milk is produced in special farms called horse dairies. After the foal’s birth, the mare stays with the foal for two months to provide sufficient nutrition. After this period, the mare is separated from her foal daily for a few hours to be milked.

Horse milk production is a careful and animal-friendly process with special milk machines adapted to the mare’s udder. Milking the mare happens 2 – 5 times daily, with breaks of up to three hours between the milking sessions. These machines comply with international hygiene regulations to guarantee milk quality.

After milking, the raw horse milk is cooled to 3° Celsius or frozen as quickly as possible to preserve its freshness. If needed, raw horse milk can be transformed into powder and processed in capsules.

Depending on the breed of the mare, up to 10 liters of horse milk per day is produced, and about two liters of horse milk is kept for human consumption; this ensures that the growing foals are still sufficiently fed.

The period of separation allows foals to eat foal feed and hay and to play with each other, which helps in their further development.

Buy horse milk capsules

Are you looking for a natural way to treat skin problems? Buy Equilac®, the original horse milk capsules since 1999, trusted by thousands of satisfied users. Equilac® horse milk capsules help relieve psoriasis, eczema, or acne from within.
Equilac Horse Milk Capsules
Equilac® horse milk capsules
Contains 180 horse milk capsules (3-month treatment) with 600 mg of horse milk powder per capsule.

* Individual results with horse milk may vary. Equilac® is not a medicine but a dietary supplement. If you are considering consuming horse milk or products thereof, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist to understand the potential benefits, possible risks, or allergies.

** This website provides general information on health and related topics. This information is not intended as medical advice. They should not be construed as such, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.